Law of the Jungle – Hunter and Chef Episode 422 Subtitle Indonesia

Law of the Jungle – Hunter and Chef

Law of the Jungle adalah acara dokumenter realita Korea Selatan yang tayang di SBS. Setiap episode menampilkan selebriti yang dikirim untuk bertahan di lokasi terpencil di seluruh dunia. Komedian Korea Selatan Kim Byung-man menciptakan acara di tahun 2011, dengan berbagai selebriti bergabung dengannya di berbagai lokasi di seluruh dunia untuk pengalaman hidup di alam liar kurang dari seminggu. Di setiap lokasi, para tamu bertugas untuk memburu dan menyiapkan makanan mereka dan juga membuat tempat berlindung bagi suku tersebut.


Location: South Korea
Theme: Hunter and Chef
Members: Kim Byung-man, Im Ji-ho [ko], Kim Gu-ra,[238][239] Kim Kang-woo, Lee Yong-jin, Gong Seung-yeon[240]

Download Law of the Jungle – Hunter and Chef

Episode 420

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540p (RAW/TANPA SUB) : Uptobox | Filesim | Filesfm | Mediafire | GDrive | GSharer | Letsupload | Uptocloud | Solidfiles | Sendit | Racaty | Zippyshare | Mirror
720p (RAW/TANPA SUB) : Uptobox | Filesim | Filesfm | Mediafire | GDrive | GSharer | Letsupload | Uptocloud | Solidfiles | Sendit | Racaty | Zippyshare | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia | English Subtitle | Indexsubtitle

Episode Special

360p (HARDSUB INDO) : Uptobox | Filesim | Filesfm | Mediafire | GDrive | GSharer | Mp4upload | Letsupload | Uptocloud | Solidfiles | Sendit | Racaty | Zippyshare | Mirror
540p (RAW/TANPA SUB) : Uptobox | Filesim | Filesfm | Mediafire | GDrive | GSharer | Letsupload | Uptocloud | Solidfiles | Sendit | Racaty | Zippyshare | Mirror
720p (RAW/TANPA SUB) : Uptobox | Filesim | Filesfm | Mediafire | GDrive | GSharer | Letsupload | Uptocloud | Sendit | Racaty | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia | English Subtitle | Indexsubtitle

Episode 421

360p (HARDSUB INDO) : Uptobox | Filesim | Filesfm | Mediafire | GDrive | GSharer | Mp4upload | Letsupload | Uptocloud | Solidfiles | Sendit | Racaty | Zippyshare | Mirror
540p (RAW/TANPA SUB) : Uptobox | Filesim | Filesfm | Mediafire | GDrive | GSharer | Letsupload | Uptocloud | Solidfiles | Sendit | Racaty | Zippyshare | Mirror
720p (RAW/TANPA SUB) : Uptobox | Filesim | Filesfm | Mediafire | GDrive | GSharer | Letsupload | Uptocloud | Solidfiles | Sendit | Racaty | Zippyshare | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia | English Subtitle | Indexsubtitle

Episode 422

360p (HARDSUB INDO) [FIX SUB] : Uptobox | Filesim | Filesfm | Mediafire | GDrive | GSharer | Mp4upload | Letsupload | Uptocloud | Solidfiles | Sendit | Racaty | Zippyshare | Mirror
540p (RAW/TANPA SUB) : Uptobox | Filesim | Filesfm | Mediafire | GDrive | GSharer | Letsupload | Uptocloud | Solidfiles | Sendit | Racaty | Zippyshare | Mirror
720p (RAW/TANPA SUB) : Uptobox | Filesim | Filesfm | Mediafire | GDrive | GSharer | Letsupload | Uptocloud | Solidfiles | Sendit | Racaty | Zippyshare | Mirror
Subtitle Indonesia | English Subtitle | Indexsubtitle

Info : Hardsub akan diupdate jika sub sudah tersedia, mohon bersabar. apabila sub sudah tersedia tapi belum update silahkan tinggalkan komentar. Terima Kasih ^^

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28 thoughts on “Law of the Jungle – Hunter and Chef Episode 422 Subtitle Indonesia”

    • episode minggu ini adalah episode spesial ching ^^ jadi sepertinya isinya rangkuman beberapa episode atau yang lainnya

  1. Ep421 sabtu kmaren itu isinya Ep416, bukan episode spesial, tpi episode ulangan dgn nama file Ep421 makanya donload, taunya ulangan E416, download buang2 kuota, jdi ga ada spesial2 nya..

  2. Admin nya ga preview dulu nih, SBS sih bilang ny episode spesial karna tayang untuk hari spesial korea chuseok tpi yg ditayangin ep416, sya jga donlod ga preview dulu krna sabtu kmren nama file nya ep421, sama2 terkecoh……


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